Friday, May 27, 2011

Boxer - mac friendly DOS emulator

The DOS game emulator that’s fit for your Mac.

Is DOSbox too complicated for you? Still want to play old classic games? Why not try Boxer. It won't solve all your problems but it is worth of trying. And luckily some old classics can be bought for iPhone, Xbox or even mac. I have Monkey Island 2 on Xbox and Flight of the Amazon Queen on iPhone.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Frogatto & Friends from Lost Pixel - 2D platformer for free!

Who has played Mario Bros, Giana Sisters and Commander Keen? Frogatto & Friends is new old school 2D platformer and it is free to download and play.

Frogatto is just like those old favourites we used to play. And you can play it with win, mac and linux computers for free. With iPhone you have to pay few bucks.
Frogatto has pixelated old school graphics and 16-bit like music and in this case it works quite well. Atmosphere is warm and nice. And at least on the beginning it does not feel too difficult like Return to Dark Castle I tried about a month ago. Playing that was really painful and I never got far.
I enjoy to play Frogatto and it could be good for kids too. And because it is free it is always worth of trying if you like 2D platformers. I played it with 13" MacBook Pro and it ran nicely like it should.

Sunday, May 22, 2011


After reading about Iron Sky going for crowdfunding, I have been thinkig about using crowdfunding in our projects. Many crowdfunding services have games category and 8-Bit Funding is specialized only on games.
Most interesting candidates for us are IndieGoGo and RocketHub. According to Gamasutra they both have a number of successful game projects. They are also both used by Iron Sky. Kickstarter could also be interesting, but it is not available in Finland.
Compared to general services mentioned earlier 8-Bit Funding is something to different. It was created in January 2011 by DIY Gamer founder Geoff Gibson, because he found discrepancies against gaming related projects on other crowdfunding services. It is a new service and there have not been many successful projects yet, but this is definitely something we want keep eye on.
We are currently not planning to sell our games, but crowdfunding would add some incentive to our development. It would also be useful for purchasing new software to use in development. As non monetary benefit it would also be good meter how interesting our games are and provide feedback to make them better.
We probably won’t be using crowdfunding with Project SpaceMelee, but for future projects it would be seriously considered.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

8 bit Zardoz?

This weekend we are working with Project Spacemelee but also planning the new game. So we played some games, watched movies, ate in Subway and browsed web for inspiration. And what we found?

I was planning to make cool flying head like one in Zardoz so I googled it. And here's the one result. Opening scene from 8-bit Zarzoz. Awesome!
Next week I'll start doing concept drawings about flying heads and some sketches about the world in game. Flying heads are to serve, protect and destroy!
We also have a guy working on musics for Spacemelee. I'll have to tune ships little more and  make something for explosions.

Monday, May 9, 2011

New video out

At least our first video is out. Project Spacemelee is in demo level but full playable. It needs lots of work and more ships but lets see the video now:

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Designing logo

We had few ideas for logo but I had to put something on the page. Still the orange one is my favourite.

What do you think? It should have a retro feeling. My ex boss would hate all of these but he does mostly embroidery.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We are opening soon


We are Spaceswamp. We are from Finland and we make games. I'm just testing feeds and social media integration.

Graphic designer